Monday, 16 February 2009


For all of you that have been wondering where N-Dubz have been, Channel U can now reveal their whereabouts!
Now you would expect to hear that there are non-stop 24 hour studio sessions, followed by a gig every night of the week (which isn't too far from the truth), but it seems that ONE of the dynamite trio is actually folding clothes and helping the elderly in his community! But fear not people, Dappy hasn't made a career change, he is simply serving his community for a short stretch in between making some fresh and even BIGGER bangers than before!

Whilst stuck under a whole heap of clothes that are waiting to be folded and taxied to their next destination, Dappy says he is more hungry and eager than ever to release the new material:

"It is frustrating having to make every one wait for the new tracks, but we know it will be worth it when the time comes!"

We salute you D.A.P'z!

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